A well-known author and speaker Jim Rohn once said, "We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret"
Hello, there Smartsouls! How have you been? I'm doing amazing. As you are all aware that I work from home while being a law student, and still pursuing education in other fields (eg. SEO, content writing, Python, etc). Hence, being productive is essential.
In today's blog post, I will share a few tips and tricks to help you be productive when you are at home. Without further ado, let's dive right into it.
1. Discipline:
It is the utmost important thing. Discipline to keep your screens aside and get the task done. Approach it as a duty rather than a task. You must do what you said there is no other option.
But dude, we already know that discipline is important, it's not new.
I know that it's not something out of the box, however, being disciplined has wonderful effects on one's life, and unfortunately, one will never know what those are lest they are discipline and see the end of it.
Don't let instant gratification stop you from doing the wonders in life that you are supposed to do.
2. Hygiene:
Have a clean environment and pay attention to your attire. What you wear has a significant amount of impact on your productivity. It is said that if one wears one's favorite attire, it releases dopamine and results in an increase in not just productivity but motivation and overall performance.
Hence, even if you are in your bedroom, locked away where no one can see you, get dressed up and see the effects it has on your performance yourself.
3. To-do list:
Create a to-do list. Write down the things that are to be done as well as when they are supposed to be done. The deadlines create eustress. Eustress is a useful stress, for instance, the stress that you feel before an exam helps you study and be prepared.
I personally, recommend having just 6 important tasks that need to be done in a day. No matter what happens, I must complete these 6 tasks at the end of the day.
4. Prioritise:
Last but not least, prioritize. Eliminate, delete, and scratch off tasks that can be postponed or can be dealt with later on.
Roy Baumeister a psychologist at Case Western Reserve University, conducted a study in 1966 to know the phenomenon of what's known as willpower depletion. At the end of the experiment, it was noted that willpower is a limited quantity, and as it can be depleted we must be cautious with it, as we can fall prey to temptations.
Why are you telling about willpower under priority?
As you read above, willpower can be depleted hence you must save your precious willpower to do something of value. Prioritizing will help you get important tasks get done. It's sort of like a eat that frog concept, eating the big frog when your willpower is full.
Basically, I shared 4 tips, being disciplined, having a clean environment and paying attention to your attire; creating a to-do list, and prioritizing; to help increase your productivity while at home.
There are even more tips in this digital ocean but I preached what I practise. The choice is up to you. Want an instant dose of dopamine, or want a painfully-achieved-success dose of dopamine?
Do check out other posts if you want to upgrade yourself and your life. Click here
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