Hello smart souls, before we jump right into the topic let's do a quick exercise, shall we? You don't really have an option okay.
To start the exercise, firstly bring to mind an upsetting thought that might start something like this, 'I am X, I am dumb, I an idiot' and more. Pick a thought that reoccurs often and upsets you when it does. Now, just for a minute hold onto that thought and believe in it as much as possible. Take a mental note of how it affects you.
Done? Moving on, now take that very thought/thoughts and, in front of it, insert this sentence, 'I'm having the thought that..." Now repeat the first step again, this time with this phrase added to it, think to yourself that 'I'm having the thought that I am X.' Again don't forget to see what happens.
Now imagine taking the same thought and singing to yourself to the tune of "Happy birthday"/ "Jingle bells"
Did you observe any difference?
The exercise we just did was one of many exercises mentioned in The happiness trap by Dr. Russ Harris. The above-mentioned exercise helps us detach ourselves from our thoughts. We believe that our thoughts are facts, whereas, in reality, they are mere words, far from facts. Thoughts are not facts.
Social media and the world around us are corrupted beyond repair, but by detaching ourselves from the 'negative' thoughts we are much more inclined to be happy and enjoy our time on earth.
We are wired to rely on words. Other living species communicate through gestures or facial expressions or various sound waves but we communicate, mostly, through words. And hence, we believe every word that our mind says to us even though we know that it isn't the truth.
If you are someone who is trapped in the world of thoughts and the vicious cycle of happiness traps, which are unconsciously set up by yourself, I highly recommend you to read The happiness trap by Dr. Russ Harris. The reading experience itself feels like therapy.
That would be all for today, meet you all soon. Hope you tried the aforementioned exercise and use it from time to time when you are upset, and found it at least a little bit useful.
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