The art of thinking differently.

Hello, smart souls. How have you been? I'm amazing.

In today's blog post, we will discuss the art of thinking differently or, simply put creative thinking.

So, let's begin:

Let us start with the basics. To think differently we must first think. Unfortunately, most people don't think. The minds are shut. To think is to ASK, to understand concepts. The best way to test whether you have grasped the concept is to come up with examples. The more examples you can think of the better.

This method hits two birds with one stone. It not only improves our understanding of the concept but also engraves it into our memory.

The point that is to be noted here is that it is an ART to think differently. Which implies that there is no right or wrong. You are the one making rules. There is no right thinking process. It is different for everyone.

Moving further, there are some things that you need in order to think differently.

1. Knowledge and experience: the more you have the better it is.

2. Socialize: It is a key to unlocking many ideas, opinions, perspectives, and more.

I will explain this with an example. For instance, I know A, C, and T. I can only arrange them as CAT, and AT. Only two possibilities. And a friend of mine knows S, B, and U. Now, during our conversation, she shares the letters she knows. After our conversation, I know A, C, T, S, B, and U. Now I can arrange them as CAT, SAT, BAT, STAB, ACT,  BUST, CAST, etc. Got the point?

I would like to borrow a few words from Steve Jobs to emphasize my point further, "Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn't really do it. They just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while. That's because they were able to connect experiences they've had and synthesize new things."

Ultimately, everything boils down to gaining knowledge and experience and connecting them. That's what basically creative thinking means. Humans are walking libraries. Not everything is on the internet and in books. There are certain things that only humans know. All you have to do is ask questions. There is no need to feel insecure about it. Everyone doesn't know everything. If you don't know something, just ask and get to know it. 

Not everyone wants to be different. Some just want to fit in, while others don't dare to be different. It's a social norm. The more different you are the less you are accepted by people. But being different and standing out has a power of its own. Once you have tasted the sweet bitterness of this power there is no turning back.

That would be all for today. See you all soon. :)


