Hello smart souls, surprisingly, I was fortunate enough to talk to a "person" to be specific an AMAZING PERSON, and I [being a blogger behind schedule] asked this "person" can I do an interview kinda blog and guess what here we are, as this person agreed <3. Lemme clear this thing, THIS BLOG IS FOR WEEBS.
let's start with this person's intro:
"person": I'm Jhilam Adhikay from Amity Institute of English studies and Research, Kolkata.
I'm 20 years old and I was around...17 when I passed the Japanese Language Proficiency Test N5.
I love writing poems. My poems got published in the e-magazine TeachTouchTalk and in books like Shouganai, Fragrance of thoughts, Personified Thoughts, Journey: It never ends, Twinkling Verses, and more. You can find them on Flipkart and Amazon. [I have linked them at the end of this blog post]
[Just tell me SHE IS AMAZING, isn't she?]
Me: What anime means to you?
Jhilam: Before I got into a relationship, anime was my everything. Even now, it remains a major part of my personality. Fun fact: I never knew my boyfriend until our friends introduced us because we both like anime and they thought we will get along...and we did.
Although I'm much more serious about anime than he is.
Me: How did you learn Japanese?
Jhilam: Books, and Youtube. But mostly from the anime "One Piece". I had a diary where I used to write down words and sentences from the anime. For 3 months, just before my JLPTN5 exam, all I did was sit and watch more than 500 episodes of "One Piece".
Me: Your greatest achievements...
Jilam: Already told you. But I guess my biggest achievement is becoming the CR of my class. The last CR used to be the captain of her school, my complete opposite. I was never even perfect or a monitor. I always thought it's the job for the cool kid and I was bullied for 9 years in school so I didn't really consider myself cool in college...
Until I won the CR election by 56%.
It was the weirdest day of my life I was so damn sure I was gonna lose!
me: How was the JPLTN5 and how did prepare for it?
Jhilam: Already told you. My favourite Japanese learning book was "Minna no Nihongo" (volume 1-4)
Me: your top anime recommendation for my smart souls...
1) The Promised Neverland
2) Cross ange
3) NaNa
4) One piece
5) Gosick
6) No.6
7) Rainbow
8) Violet Evergarden
9) Beserk
10) Beasters
11) Seven deadly sins
12) Dorohedoro
me: An amazing piece of advice that you heard or learnt the hard way...
Jhilam: Nothing is natural. Every damn thing is manmade. Even language. Every part of society is connected. And every inch of it, even the most normal everyday things are ingrained with patriarchy.
Nothing fell from the sky, every system was purposefully created by humans to run the market. It's a capitalist world and discriminations run the market.
Stereotyping runs the market. Even revolutions are bought and sold. And the only way to get out of this is to have the ultimate war, erase every damn thing including languages and start things again.
There will be no class, caste, and gender anymore. But for that, a World War is compulsory.
Me: Did anime affect your personality and mindset and how?
Jhilam: Whatever I'm is because of anime. Being shy, blushing a lot, raising my voice, threatening people, and being artificially smart in class...
more like a student council president than a CR.
That would be all for today. Got any tips in your pocket for me? Feel comfortable commenting below. See ya soon...
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