It's scary what a smile can hide.

 You have never really lived until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.”

Today’s post is a contribution to some suicide prevention projects or programs. Hope this post will save someone's life.

Suicides are preventable. We need to recognize the warning signs and take them seriously and aware people of the seriousness of this topic, if you know someone (or yourself) who has these negative thoughts there are plenty of things you can do to help save a life.

Never lose hopes.

According to WHO, approximately more than 1 million people die each year by attempting suicides. So, what makes people so depressed to take away their own lives?

To those who don’t know about suicidal depression, it’s hard to understand what makes so many people take away their own lives because when suicidal thoughts are at their strongest it’s hard for people to see their own worth.

People with suicidal thoughts don’t want to kill themselves, they want to kill that unbearable feeling inside them. They can’t see another way to find relief from the feelings of loneliness, hopelessness. No matter what they do to stop their pain they won't find relief.

Some common misinterpretation about suicide:

Myth 1)People just make jokes about suicide they won’t actually do it.
Reality: Most of the people who attempt suicide has given a clue in some way or the other. By saying statements like:” Everything will be okay after I’m gone” or “everyone will be happy without me”. No matter how casually they say. This may cause serious suicidal feelings.

Myth 2)People who are unwilling to seek help attempt suicide.

Reality: Most people seek help in a direct or indirect way. According to some studies, more than 50% of them had looked after some medical help before their death.

Myth 3) Someone might get the idea about suicide when discussing it.

Reality: Discussing suicide doesn’t give a person the thought of suicide but talking about it openly can really help save some lives.

Some suicide warnings:

1)Talking about self-harm: Discouraging themselves by saying things like “I wish I hadn’t been born” or “everyone would be so happy without me” or “I'd better be off dead”.

2)Thinking of ways to kill themselves: Like getting access to a gun, pills, knives, or other things to attempt suicide.

3)Hopelessness: Feelings like loneliness, being trapped, or feeling isolated. Believing that good thing won’t happen.

4)Hating themselves: feelings like worthlessness, shame, self-hatred, or feeling burden.

5)Saying goodbye: Unusual visits or calls to family members or loved ones, and saying goodbye as if they won’t see them again.

If you have noticed some things like I mentioned above in someone you care about, you may think, is it a good idea to say anything, what if you misunderstood? What if they get angry? In situations like this, it’s normal to feel uncomfortable. But it’s really important to do something about it, the sooner the better.

 You can start the conversation like, “you look a little strange lately, is there something bothering you?”.

If it is confirmed that a person is depressed try to motivate him, make him realize that he is worth living and we are with him. Listen to what he is saying. Give him hope that better things are about to happen. Be sympathetic and don’t judge him or discourage him. Don’t argue with him.

Offer help and support. React as quickly as possible. Get some professional help, support as much as you can, and be sensitive to their problems. 

Nowadays, most teenage deaths are by suicide. Due to the pressure of family or career decisions or low marks or failure. This is preventable if we support each other and know that there are people who are waiting to help them. Not only for teenagers but also for others.

If someone who is reading this has some problems or is depressed here are some great organizations helping you and supporting you. And these organizations can’t rescue you if they don’t know you need it. Ask for help. Because suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. We are with you, we can fight against this problem. Place your hand on your heart, feel that? That’s called purpose. You’re alive for a reason. So, don’t give up.

Here are some organizations:

Disclaimer: The professionals and helpline numbers listed on this post are not associated with or endors[ed by Unconditional Life. The listings are purely for informational purposes.]

1)YELLOW RIBBON PROJECT: This organization is in the United States. It is an organization that prevents teen suicides. They provide a free printing pocket-sized card that reads “Yellow Ribbon project-In loving memory of Michael Emme” Whenever you feel depressed, take this card to your teacher, parent, or friend and say “I need to use my Yellow Ribbon” and the other person can know that you have some problem and will help you. I personally liked this idea.

Click here to visit their website.


2)AASRA: This is a Mumbai based organization, which has a 24x7 free helpline number. Professionally trained volunteers are available to answer your call. The volunteers can communicate in Hindi and English. 

Click here to visit their website.

Helpline Number: +91 98204 66726.

3)SNEHA FOUNDATION INDIA: This is a suicide prevention organization based in Chennai. Their helpline number can be reached all days between 10am to 2pm. Once this pandemic and restrictions are lifted the number can be reached 24x7.

Click here to visit their website.


Helpline Number: 044-24640050

4)SAMARITANS MUMBAI: This organization has professional volunteers to offer support. You can call them between 5pm to 8pm every day. They also offer a free consultant for those who are looking for professional help. You can contact them Monday to Friday between 10 am and 4pm to set up an appointment. 

Click here to visit their website.

Helpline Numbers:  +91 84229 84528,

+91 84229 84529 and +91 84229 84530

These were some organizations one can reach to seek help if You want I’m here to help you as well. Just don’t hesitate.

When we recognize that someone is having suicidal thoughts and reach out to help them, we are instantly planting a seed of hope that they’re not invisible, that they’re not alone.

It’s really scary what a smile can hide. Suicide is a layered, complex issue. It’s not simple and we all need to work together to save lives.

Mostly I won’t say to share my posts because I know if you liked it you will share, but today I’m saying to share this post, you may not need this but I know there are some who need this the most, so be someone’s lifeline, share this post and also support the suicide prevention programs.
